Wednesday, 8 May 2013

How to dye and pre-pigment grey hair

How to dye and pre-pigment grey hair

There are better and better hair dyes on the market thanks to the producers. Some of them cover grey hairs 100 %, but it is still very usual to mix base colours to fashion colours for perfect concealment.

Percentage ratio of grey hair

0 - 30%                       - no adding of base colour necessary
30 - 50%                     -1/3 base colour is needed to combine
50 – 70%                    - ½ base colour is needed to combine
70 – 100%                  - pre pigmentation or ¾ base colour is needed to combine

These mixing ratios can vary, so always make sure you know how much your chosen hair dye will cover grey hairs.

You should use pre-pigmentation if your hairs are very thick and hard or if it has happened to you that some parts of your hair has not been properly covered (at forehead or at temple)

Mixing ratio for pre-pigmentation

1 unit of base colour 2 units of warm water

Pre-pigment your hair with one shade lighter colour than your desired colour until hair colour no. 8.

E.g. Dye your hair to same colour that you already have or darker:

You would like to end up with hair colour no. 7 (copper and gold shade) at home but you know very 

well that it won’t cover all your grey hairs then you will need colour no. 8 too. Mix 15 g of colour no. 8 with 30 g of warm water and apply it on the critical area, wait for 10 mins then apply colour no. 7  (copper and gold shade) on the roots. Do not rinse the pre-pigmentation substance but leave it on and put the hair dye on top.

If you have more then 70 % of grey hairs pick one shade darker hair dye because this amount of grey hairs could result in 1-2 shades lighter hair colour.

To lighten grey hair is more difficult especially if you have some of your natural hair colour too.

Your Virtual Hairdresser Consultant

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